Posted by: segetc | February 1, 2024




What I can tell you is that maybe I don’t journal much. I do remember days when I journaled daily, writing in my beautiful journals.  I love having my journals but my handwriting has definitely gone downhill over the years and I find it hard to do these days.  

I do like to type but. I forgot where I was typing this. Sometimes I wonder if this, whatever it is, really is affecting my memory.

Anyway, my Neurodirvergent brain needs to get back to the topic of this writing.

As of today, I can walk about a mile and a half and not feel like I’m dying.  This is a good thing.  I’m meeting my goals most days.  

So many things have happened since 4/25.

Currently, Cindy isn’t available to walk with me. It’s her story to tell. I lift her up in prayer daily as she goes through her story.  I know God has his hands around her, and she is beginning a new journey of her own.

Looking forward to the days we can walk together again.

My DH was in a crazy car accident with a train.  God and the safety engineers of the Chevrolet Volt are to be thanked for saving him. I am forever grateful for the safety equipment built into that little Hybrid.  If it wasn’t for the airbags and the seatbelt I don’t know what would have happened.  He survived with only a few broken ribs and bruising from the seatbelt.  The airbags worked exactly as they should have and saved his life.  We are so thankful that God was watching over him and making sure that he was safe.

It’s been a fast-moving summer; so many things are happening.  Special Olympics Swimming and Bocce are both and full swing.  I love spending time with our athletes they really make all the work and effort worth it.

Back to the health Journey.

During the last visit with the ENT, he said he had been to a conference and they discussed that Meniere’s was caused by migraines, so he wanted to treat the migraines and see if that would have any effect on the Meniere’s.  He also believes this to be an inflammation thing.  “ My sarcasm here “Who would have guessed?”

So he has added two new meds.  These meds have had a positive effect so far Usually, the start of the monsoon puts me in all sorts of trouble.  But not this year.  I’ve had a few days with mild migraine symptoms but mainly, I’ve just been dealing with my standard tired stuff.  Achey joints and mild to moderate headaches.  So Yay.  

Downside: I have a constant sour taste in my mouth.  Kinda like always having sour candy in your mouth.  Occasionally the bottom of my feet get crazy tingly! And my hands as well.  Kinda like when they fall asleep.  Unpleasant but not end of the world kinda stuff.

Stats  Here are my Stats for 2023 so far It is July 22 

I have taken 769,779, give or take a few steps this year as of June 30, 2023

As of July 22: 883,229 Steps which is Not bad

Weight:  September 2022: 280 lbs

  July 19, 2023: 254.7 lbs

That is a loss of 25.3 lbs 

I would say that’s not bad.

I haven’t even started on the food part yet.  I guess I kinda have just moved more, and this medication seems to make me eat less.  I do want to find ways to get the inflammation down.  

The list of meds is long long long.  I want to see that down too.  I would love to see the day that I can control all this with less meds. For now, I’m so thankful to have some relief from the vertigo and nausea.  I know the relief from the tinnitus and the pain are coming. There has to be an answer for those too. For now, I’m doing my best.  The joint pain is mainly mitigated with supplements and controlling the inflammation.  The headaches are less. I am only waking up with them a few times a week now, not every day.  That’s nice.

My hip and shoulder have been bothering me lately.  I think I’m going to see about trying some Physical therapy for those. Maybe it will help—that way when my new walking buddy. Kara is pushing me; I won’t complain quite so much.  It’s a good thing my friends love me.  

I am blessed beyond measure.


I have managed to meet my first Weight loss goal.  It’s very exciting.  I’m down to 250.  That is 30lbs since last September. 

So a weird thing happened and I had my eye just black out.  I couldn’t see out of it.  So I go to my primary doctor and she runs the standard thyroid panel and TSH, T4 and TPO.  My TPO is over 694 so yeah I have inflammation going on.  She gives me referrals for 

Endocrinologists and Optomologists. ( This turned out to be not related to my Hashimotos or my eyes thy think maybe the migraines)

Well, see how that goes.

My Journey has many parts the first part being movement.  

So I started with walking.  And I can do a good lap indoors at the track for about 30 to 40 minutes and 1.5 miles so I’m feeling good about movement. 

Part 2 is food.  Now I’m looking at what inflammatory foods are available to me.



Looks like my last update was in August.  It was a tough summer which I kinda posted about in my I’m not okay, but I will be! Post.


SO At the beginning of December, I joined a Challenge at the local gym it was a food program with a workout program. It has been an amazing way to get started again. So I was at 249.8 when starting.  Today I am 236.9.  So yeah I lost 12.9 lbs in 8 weeks. This also helped me gain some much-needed strength that I didn’t have. I’m thankful for a friend recommending the program.  Making my told lost to date 43.1 lbs.  Not bad.  


I’ve got more stamina than I have in the last 20 years!!  I can go get the mail from the mailbox without getting winded or feeling like it is a chore!  I can take the trash out without a second thought.  Before I had to think if they were going to leave me with enough spoons to finish my day.  Yes some days are harder but I am doing so much better!  I can’t believe the difference that has been made in the last year!

I did have an unfortunate injury to my shoulder about 2 weeks ago.  Turns out the shoulder that’s been bothering me is an actual injury to my rotator cuff that probably happened several years ago that my PCP said was just osteoarthritis.  I get to see an Orthopedic Surgeon tomorrow to see if that can help with the pain.


Lily is still adorable but she isn’t ready for a Donkey Dash.  So I have found another donkey that has done the dash many times.  His name is Yancey.  He is at Oatman Burros Rehab & Recovery Sanctuary.  He has done this race several times.  I’m told he is a walker which is exactly what I need.  He and I will be at the back of the race.  I’m adding a picture so you can see his cuteness!  So excited.


I had an unexpected vacation this week so I have started hiking to help me condition for the race.  My DD and I did a 1 mile hike yesterday and it went well.  Tomorrow we are doing a little more complicated 2.5-mile hike. 

I’m preparing t-shirts to sell as a fundraiser for our Special Olympic team and the Donkey Rescue.  Life is complicated and messy but good.  

I’m still taking tons of meds to manage all the crazy that is my body.  But cutting out my sugar (which has been tough) has really helped with a lot of the inflammation.  Becoming active and making moderate changes with my food has really helped my stamina and my mental health.  Taking time to learn what I need to help myself allows me to take care of others as well.

Next Up The Tombstone Donkey Dash!

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