Posted by: segetc | April 11, 2013

There is picking eating and then there are my kiddos.

Can making dinner cause post traumatic stress disorder

I will admit I’m not the best cook.  In fact, if given the choice between having  a new house and having someone plan and cook our families’ meals, I would chose the cook.  I find little to no joy in cooking.

And I have a severe phobia of cooking for my kids.  It is seriously very stressful to cook when you know no matter what you do someone is going to have a major problem with it.

Amazing Kiddo still gags with most foods that aren’t part of his “list”.  Part of this is because he “can’t” try new things.  Part of it is his SPD.

LaLa decided she was a vegetarian. I’m not sure she really knows what that means.  But to her it basically means she will only eat carbs.  Noodles, breads, bagels, cereal.  It’s driving me crazy.  And don’t dream of putting anything good on those noodles.  Just plain with butter and sprinkled cheese.

Monster and Batty will eat lots of different things.  I think if they didn’t have La La and Amazing Kiddos showing them how to turn their noses up at food they would be great eaters.  But they learned from the best, so trying new things is next to impossible.

However, for any of them to be great eaters I must cook for them.  Mr. Man isn’t home in the evening so I tend to just give the kiddos convenience foods.  (OH THE HORROR) I know I don’t get mom of the year anytime soon.

But honestly when I think of what to make for them for dinner I just freeze.

I’m so tired of hearing from others that if I would just “make” them eat what I cook I wouldn’t have this problem.  How exactly do you “make” anyone do anything.  It takes corporation.  My first I tried the “He will eat when he gets hungry” thing.  That didn’t go so well after four days I couldn’t take it any more.  After a discussion with his doctor we decided that it wasn’t important that he eat much more than what he already liked as long as I was giving him vitamins.  Not the best answer but it works.  Then I was told “if you didn’t let them drink milk they would eat better”.

“Try to cook with them” “Don’t give into their wishes” “Don’t cook separate things for each person you are not running a dinner”.  These are all great ideas however they are not practical.  They do not give me the information I need to make it better.  Do I want them to eat better? Of course , I do.

I’m  so exhausted and fatigued I just can’t seem to face it.  I’m overwhelmed by making dinner.  Breakfast is no problem.  They like eggs, bacon, waffles, pancakes and cereal, all easy to make things.  It’s dinner that has me going crazy.  How to get them to try different veggies?

So maybe I can figure this out this year.

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